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That’s when I started learning and it was fun

   I was really unhappy. I must have been so very good at complaining about things that my sister went to the headmaster at Gilbert Hannam Grammar School in Midhurst. She was working as a maid nearby. And after that I left the hostel. I knew nothing at all, spoke very little English and my suitcase was enormous. Everything I owned fitted into this suitcase. How I managed to get it all the way there, I don’t know. I probably held up my ticket and said, “Midhurst!” As I was leaving the station with this huge suitcase, my sister came rushing towards me and said, “Ah, that’s my Bunny”. She always called me Bunny. She then went along with me to the school. I was fairly tall, so none of the boys treated me badly.
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Charles Hannam 2010, Devon

Kurt Marx Kurt Marx Kurt Marx Kurt Marx Ian Karten Kurt Marx Ian Karten Kurt Marx Kurt Marx Kurt Marx Ian Karten Ian Karten Kurt Marx Ian Karten Siggy Reichenstein Kurt Marx Kurt Marx Kurt Marx Kurt Marx Ian Karten Kurt Marx Ian Karten Kurt Marx Kurt Marx Ian Karten Ian Karten Kurt Marx Ian Karten Siggy Reichenstein