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The story of the ‘Kindertransporte’ (Kindertransports)

Rescue from Zbaszyn

   Brothers Manfred and Siegfried Lindenbaum from Unna had been deported with their family (all Polish nationals) over the German-Polish border to Zbaszyn (Bentschen) as part of the ‘Polenaktion’. Three days before the German invasion of Poland they were able to escape to London with a Kindertransport.* There were also children from other cities in Rhineland and Westphalia who were able to leave Zbaszyn with a Kindertransport. One of these children was eleven-year-old Theo Verderber from Cologne. He took a Polish ship from Gdinya via Kiel and the Kiel Canal to London, where he arrived on 14th February 1939.

*Report by Siegfried Lindenbaum, in: Bertha Leverton, Shmuel Lowensohn (ed.), ‘I Came Alone: The Stories of the Kindertransports’, Lewes, Sussex 1990

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Children from Zbaszyn arriving in London, February 1939
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The Kindertransport to Great Britain - Stories from North-Rhine-Westphalia