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The story of the ‘Kindertransporte’ (Kindertransports)

Children from the Rhineland and Westphalia

   At least 463 children from the Rhineland and at least 260 children from Westphalia were rescued by the Kindertransport to England. Claudia Curio, who has written an important book about the Kindertransports, found evidence of these numbers of children in a report by the leader of the SD (the Security Service) in the North-West Upper Section of the SS, dated 30th June 1939. The document is preserved in the archives of the Israeli State’s Central Memorial, Yad Vashem.*

*Claudia Curio, Verfolgung, Flucht und Rettung. Die Kindertransporte 1938/39 nach Großbritannien (‚Persecution, Flight and Rescue. The Kindertransports to Great Britain in 1938/39‘), Berlin 2006, p. 57

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A group from Cologne says goodbye on the school playground of the Yavneh School, May 1939

Navigation right Life Stories Memory Hostels Kindertransports from the Yavneh School Children from the Rhineland and Westphalia The Story of the Kindertransports Great Britain: place of refuge
The Kindertransport to Great Britain - Stories from North-Rhine-Westphalia